วันอาทิตย์ที่ 15 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2555

Webkinz Holiday Recipes

Do you plan on doing something extra for your Webkinz this holiday season? I did. I got my kids to sit nearby the computer with me one morning and told them that their Webkinz were going to have a big Christmas Eve Party.

Next I got a Christmas tree and gathered all of their Webkinz together into one room with plans of making them some holiday food. But to my surprise there authentically aren't any Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa Webkinz Recipes. I was surprised because on Halloween, I treated my Webkinz to Halloweenog. I think for Christmas, I'm going to have to improvise.


Maybe I could start with something like Hot Cocoa. That's a festive holiday drink. But since I was set on making Webkinz Recipes maybe there was a Cocoa like formula that I could try. I took a quick look at a list of recipes that I've been meaning to try and saw Hot Marshmallow. It's made with Marshmallows, Milk and a Chocolate Bar in the blender. Sounds like fancy hot cocoa to me. We went to the W. Shop and bought 5 Marshmallows, 5 Milks and 5 Chocolate Bars so we could make Hot Marshmallow for each Webkinz.

Webkinz Holiday Recipes

After my daughter clicked the blend button we saw that Hot Marshmallow looked more like a big meatloaf than a festive holiday drink. But everybody was happy when we fed it to the Webkinz and they said it was Mmmmm to to max!

Dead set on serving hot chocolaty drink, I tried again. Ah-ha, I found a formula for Trippple Hot Chocolate. With three P's it's got to be good. So we loaded the blender with Chocolate Milk, Hot Cocoa and a Chocolate Bar. Yes, Trippple Hot Chocolate was perfect.

Now that the Webkinz had a hot drink, it was time for a hot meal. Zazzeloop Soup is pretty festive looking with it's little Christmas trees on top so we ran out to the W. Shop again to buy some Pizza, Lollipops and Tomato Soup. Zazzeloop Soup is a stove/grill/cauldron formula but we decided to use the stove.

Voila, Zazzeloop Soup! Now we were on a roll. Most of the Webkinz' Hunger Meters were way up in the 90s. I think I even saw a few of them loosen their belts. Well, not authentically but I told the kids that anyway.

After watching a little Chef Gazpacho on the flat screen we decided the party was over. We had a real holiday get together with the kids' Grandma in a few hours so it was time to start getting ready. We walked each of the Webkinz back to their rooms and put them to bed. Our little holiday party made the Webkinz Happy, salutary and maxed out their Hunger Meters. And I think that if my kids had Happy Meters, they would have been maxed out too.

Webkinz Holiday Recipes

